
Showing posts from January, 2009

Caribbean Cruise

Several years ago, Brian and I went on a cruise that took us to parts of Mexico and Belize. The boat itself was nice, but it was the little day trips traipsing all over history that interested us the most. If you follow this blog long enough, you know that we love to see history! We enjoy visiting historical places, sometimes repeat and threepeat visits to see what we didn't before. That's when you start noticing just how similar ancient civilatizations all over the globe were. There are pyramiddic structures in not just Egypt, but Europe, Central America, Asia...everywhere! All a little different, one ritual here, another there, but they were all trying to preserve a tradition. Preserve a life toward the afterlife. Appease their idols. If they only knew that only one God, one faith, and one relationship with Jesus Christ would make the difference. It's not too late for you, my friend. Stop building idols out of material goods. Electronics. Gadgets. Granite countertops. Th...

Harper's Ferry & Slavery

What an inspiration! An antique established town in the heart of historic America. The charcter here in Harper's Ferry is like something out of old world Europe, but it's right here! Brian and I have so much fun traipsing through places like this. Hiking on a nearby trail, one gets lost in the moment. Buildings built before there were codes, zones, city planners telling us to do this and that, wanting their cracker box neighborhoods to be neat as pins. This is much more imaginative! If only these walls could talk... If they could talk, they'd tell the history of this town. They'd tell of it's role in the Civil War. The war that had many causes, many concerns. But the most known was that awful word...slavery. People forget that slavery comes in many forms. We're all slaves to sin, at least until our faith and repentance to Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour sets us free!

Fossil Rim

These adorable animals were at Fossil Rim, a wildlife park in Texas. Brian and I went last March and had a wonderful time! Animals like the lamb above are such awesome reminders of God's love for us. These beautiful creatures are a wonderful testimony to our Creator. Just look at the diversity! Step into a zoo, and you'll see that there is a wonderous variety of horned animals, birds, reptiles, felines, canines, bears, rodents (yes, even these can be cute!); I could go on and on. Every one is a little different, and serves a different purpose. The tiniest markings, the twist of the horn, the fluff of the tail...So many characteristics. I couldn't begin to imagine even 1% of God's diverse creation. That's why He alone is worshiped above all.