A Library in Prague

We see so many elaborate libraries on our travels: at palaces, castles, schools, churches and museums. On our recent visit to Prague, this delightful antique filled library caught my attention. I wonder sometime what it must have been like to live or have constant access to a place with so many books. When I was in college, I remember the cozy feeling I got when I was able to work in a quiet carrel secluded from the busy day around me. Unfortunately, I was usually researching a paper rather than curled up reading for pleasure. It seems today's libraries are filled more with people searching the internet than those who are looking for the written word--that is the words that still fill paper. Today most of my library is in electronic form and I take it with me. I have access to as many volumes as I could possibly read all in one device. However, it still makes me happy to think of a library, full of tomes waiting to be discovered, waiting to take me on an adventure.