Lookin' Up

This, my friends, is the recently opened Native American Museum in Washington DC. This museum has been beautifully done. We spent a couple of hours in there, and only got to see part of it. The exhibits were in cozy alcoves, a maze that reveals each new tribe or season as you turn through the darkened paths. The sounds that surround you tell the stories of those who were here long before we were. These Native American cultures have an interesting history.

One of the things that I found fascinating was their culture's search for a creator, and search to know their creator. Of course, as a Christian, I know my Creator is God in Heaven. These tribes had legends of the people living in sickness and dying off because they had stopped listing to their creator. A man from their tribe took a journey and learned from the animals and plants how to take care of himself, came back, and retaught the people. It makes me wonder how God revealed Himself to these people. They were obviously searching for Him.

Look up to God!
Look up to the Heavens!
Seek and you will find!
Knock, and the door will be opened!


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