Writing and Cathedrals

I've just submitted another story for publication consideration, and decided to take a break. Putting yourself out there for rejection is a nerve wrecking task for someone who takes criticism personally like I do. "Develop a thick skin," is what the advice says on the forums. Knowing that rejection will happen in the writing world isn't going to make it any easier when they start flooding in. However, getting rejected for small pieces will hopefully cushion the blow for when I get my novel ready to go.

I'm hoping to have it ready to go soon, possibly by the first of the year. It's about time. I've been working on this thing since 2003. Of course, one should know that I laid it on the shelf for a few years before tackling it again recently, now with more determination than ever. I'm setting goals, and sticking to them!

Okay, now on to today's photograph. There is but just one. I saw this picture of a cathedral in Strausbourg, France. Just looking at it calms me, puts things into perspective. This magnificint building was built to worship a God that is much bigger than any of us know. He is there when we do well, and he is there when we fall.

I know I can rely on Him when I get discouraged with my writing.


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