Escalator Etiquette
Where does this verse fit in with the escalator, you might ask? I think from time to time, we all become impatient with others who trample on our pet peeves. You know, the person who steps off the escalator and stops without first getting out of the way. They may not know where they are going, so they stop, looking around. But the escalator keeps moving people up or down, and soon there will be a big clog of people. Patience comes to mind in these situations, so you're probably wondering why not a verse on patience. There are plenty of great verses on patience: Galatians 5 speaks of the Fruit of the Spirit: "Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness faithfulness, gentleness and self control." But look to yourself for a moment: I'm sure you do things that others see as their pet peeves, just as those people stopping at the end of the escalator unintentionally slow you down. In other words, be patient with others' quirks and mistakes (do to others) as you would have them do to you (show patience with your quirks and mistakes). We'd all be much more pleasant!