Sometimes a journey...

...isn't where you've been but what you've tried/done. I have been afraid of making yeast breads and that has dictated what I haven't made in the kitchen. Then I saw the chocolate chip Challah bread in the back of my Food Network Magazine (Courtesy of Aliza Schwartz) this past month. Something about this recipe inspired me and I decided I would try it on New Year's Eve. Everything worked fairly well, except that my lack of braiding skills caused the bread to come undone at one end (it was pinched together, but not tight enough, I suppose). I'll know for next time. But the taste was delicious! Brian and I enjoyed it and it lasted several days before it was ready to be retired. Now that I'm not scared of yeast breads (what was my deal, anyway?) I'm thinking of trying out another recipe.

Homemade bagels, anyone?

To try the recipe, click on the link below that will take you to the Food Network site:
Chocolate Chip Challah Bread Recipe--Food Network (Aliza Schwarz)


Angela said…
Good for you...and chocolate chip...YUM!!
icebear said…
"Something about this recipe inspired me..."

It wasn't the chocolate, was it? lol

Looks beautiful. as far as rough ends go, just eat them first on principle.
Bagels are fun, go for it!
Amber said…
Thank you both! The bagels will have to wait a couple weeks, but I'll post them when/if I get to them.

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