
Brian and I visited Dover Castle (England) just weeks before we moved back to the US from Germany.  This was one of our last stops, and it is certainly bittersweet to know that it will be a while before we visit again.  I *wish* I had known how much history was there; my cousin that visited earlier in the summer would have certainly liked to see everything in Dover.  The entire day can be spent at the Castle!  Anyway, the first photo I want to share with you on the subject of Dover is this World War I era poster:  "Rally Round the Flag--We Must Have More Men." British (and American) women's roles in WWI were largely limited to nursing.  Queen Alexandra's Royal Army Nursing Corps, First Aid Nursing Yeomanry and Voluntary Aid Detachment were three such ways that a British woman could serve as a nurse.  Don't worry, ladies; we had our own posters on both sides of the pond.  I don't have any of my own photos to share with you, but if you search for them online; they're there.  


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