Where Are You Going?
The photo of the antique train was taken several years ago on one of our trips to London. Although we usually travel indpendently, on this particular trip we did a day trip on a bus. There was a stop at Stonehenge, which we later drove out and saw again on our own just last summer. There was another stop at Windsor Castle. I can't remember the specifics of this picture, but it's a great reminder to us to ask the question: where are you going? Where am I going in life? Brian and I have moved around quite a bit, but seem to be stationary in our Maryland condo for the time being. We've actually just finished our first year at this location after moving here from Frederick. We've signed a renewal on our lease, something we've never done before as a couple, and possibly even as individuals. Wow. We sometimes wonder where we're going to go next, and when we'll get to go there. Until then, we are praying for contentment where we are, and that we can liv...