Anne Frank
I've never read Anne Frank's Diary, but in school I did read Corrie ten Boom's The Hiding Place. I've read other books about the horrors of WWII, as well. This house brought a sense of connectedness more than any other exhibit I think I've seen. Anne's father, Otto, was the only survivor from her family. It stuns me to realize that Anne and her sister Margot only missed freedom by a mere few months; dying instead of typhus. Anne wanted to be a journalist, and write someday of the "secret annex". Her wish came true, albeit posthumously.
Otto Frank returned and had Anne's diary published. He also prepared the way for the museum, asking that the furniture be left out. The walls of the house are wallpapered and mostly bare, save photos and a few mementos...and I think that adds to the realism. You actually walk through their space, rather than stopped at a roped off room. My eyes were filled with tears by the time we were halfway through.